Pre & Post Natal Exercise
At 4 Life Exercise Physiology we offer clinical consultations, 1-on-1 gym based programs, and individualised group exercise classes for Pre & Postnatal mothers. All programs we provide are specific to each persons’ health, fitness and pregnancy stage. It is important to obtain a clearance from your doctor prior to commencing exercise. Our services include:
- On-site Hydrotread Hydrotherapy Programs
- Rehabilitation Gym Based Programs
- Fitball Exercise Programs
- Pilates Studio Based Exercise Programs
- Low Impact Aerobic Workouts
- Real-time Ultrasound Pelvic Floor Programs
- Pelvic and Lower Abdominal Exercise Programs
- Cardiovascular Fitness Programs
- Weight Management Programs
Our Clinical Pilates Studio is ideal for Pre & Postnatal exercise. Your specifically designed program will utilise specialised equipment such as clinical reformers, trapeze table, thoracic barrel, resistance bands, Pilates fitballs & wobble boards, in addition to traditional mat Pilates. We offer 1-on-1, 2-on-1 and group Clinical Pilates sessions.
Throughout these sessions you will experience:
- Reduction in Back and Neck Pain
- Improvement in Posture - stand taller and sit straighter
- Improvement in Core and Pelvic Muscle Strength & Tone
- Improved Flexibility & Efficiency of Movement
- Relaxation of your Shoulders, Neck & Upper Back
- Improved Stress Management & Physical Well-being
4 Life Physiotherapy now offers a "Mums & Bubs' Clinical Pilates sessions. After attending your initial consultation to assess your medical and pregnancy history you can join our small group classes of Clinical Pilates - and bring along Bub!
Discounts are available for groups, including mothers groups, to attend these sessions - or if you have a group of 5 or more, we will start a class at a time that suits you!
For more information please call us today on 9583 5200.