Exercise 4 Health
The 4 Life Exercise Physiology team are dedicated to helping you improve your health. Sedentary behaviour and poor dietary choices are major risk factors for numerous preventable lifestyle diseases. Cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes for example can both be prevented and treated with appropriate exercise and dietary changes.
Exercise is medicine!
Research has proven to have a positive impact on physical and mental health, fatigue, productivity and general health and wellbeing.
“Exercise has been found to be at least as effective as many drug interventions in lowering mortality rates in the major cardiovascular and metabolic diseases”
Inactivity can be linked to a number of preventable chronic conditions such as Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, Hypertension, Arthritis and Osteoporosis (just to name a few…). With that said, the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics data shows that around 70% of Australians exercise at a low to sedentary level. Unfortunately, once you stop being physically active your body loses muscle mass, which can dramatically influence your ability to function safely and efficiently as well as carry out day to day tasks.
The current guidelines encourage at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity each week for general health benefits. They encourage people to be active on most, preferably all, days every week and to minimise time spent sitting.
Are you exercising enough? Are you limited by pain? Unsure where to start?
At 4 Life Exercise Physiology we can help you reach not only your exercise goals, but your health goals, by providing the education and motivation needed to make long term lifestyle changes. We use evidence-based practice to develop individually-tailored exercise programs that are both safe and enjoyable.
So what are your goals?
Whatever they may be, we are here to help you achieve them.
Come and see the 4 Life Exercise Physiology team take back control of your health. To be a better you!